
Showing posts from December, 2008

50 people 1 question

Fifty People, One Question: New York from Crush & Lovely on Vimeo . This is a project that I adore the most recently. Simple concept, beautiful shooting, wonderful editing. I can't pull off the smile on my face while watching it. This clip is the previous featured question of their project. According to the website, there are more coming up~ This project reminds me of those little simple, trivial things in life that make life worth living. so good. Visit the website here for more detail if interested.

Look&Feel+Technical Prototype

Implementation Prototype from Jason Magic Tseng on Vimeo . This is an test rendering I did last night. Another attempt to find out the look and feel of my PSA. Using MAYA particles and After effect to render. I like the way the particles flow, however the less realistic look of the head makes me concern if my target audience can still have the feeling of "getting into the subject's world". Well....gotta do some user testing. Except that...I'm kinda happy about how this look regard the short amount of working time and light workload. Not a bad option for production at all.

StyleFrame prototype

The final presentationof this semester is tomorrow, so basically I'm killing myself preparing that. This is a quick style frame I did as an attempt to find a good/suitable art direction for my animation. I also shot some live action footage, that was a fun experience however I haven't have time to post it online. Will update more after presentation. Oki, that's that. Have to go back to my presentation slices~~~hope for the best!!

Eyeball info: Great Art Direction!

  Mato Atom is a guy that I found while surfing online. The taste of his art direction is compelling and really close to the ideal status of how art direction should be done in my mind.


接觸3d將近一年以來,第一支跟商業有稍微沾上一點邊;也稍微比較接近成品的動畫。在Vizrt實習的兩個月,我和Frank兩個人主要的時間就是做這個。今天Kenneth終於丟了成品link出來。 看來在我們走之後因為人手不足,後面的製作銜接不太上,成品自然有很多遺憾....原本在我理想中的storyboard裡面會花多一兩cut把氣氛營造出來, 最後銜接也會多花一些功夫在細節上面,比如說長出玻璃感覺的角膜 然後整支transform為真正live footage的眼睛with vcs logo 反射在真正的瞳孔之中..... vizrt是很屌的公司但...專長並不在動畫上面。加上這不是幫公司賺錢的東西,除了像我這種死實習生,正職們沒辦法也沒理由花太多時間在上面是很合理的。考慮到資源分配,能put together其實就不錯了。 總之雖然成品不盡理想,但是個不錯的學習經驗....實際做了就發現自己製作面上還有好多不懂~還要好好努力長大才行~~ 感謝kenneth aka 001提供的機會~ Credits Kenneth: Art direction, lighting and texture, editing, animate shot 5 Frank: Modeling & Animate shot 2, shot 3, shot 4 Kerra: Concept drawing Me: Modeling& Animate shot 1, shot 2, modeling shot 5 watch it here

VFX post-production company

VFX的世界中最難進的一種公司.... 以前常聽到人家說...阿不就好萊鎢特效而已沒啥好看.... 年紀小的時候還傻傻的跟著點頭看一些文藝青年有看沒懂的片 現在想想....屁咧 這就跟"這女的還不就是腿長腰細胸型勾人比例完美加上臉很正,有什麼好的"這種屁話一樣 是啦 電影故事最重要 真的鳥的故事好特效也救不起來 真的屌的故事沒特效還是嚇嚇叫 但是當內涵差不多 或是根本沒差多少的時候 不看視覺看個雕阿.....要不要聽聽原聲帶就好... 要說這種話的同時首先要有差不多的能力吧... 不然不就像宅男說"我今天很宅"或是窮人說"我今天很窮"醜人說"我今天很醜"一樣 只是難看而已... btw 這次海角七號特效還滿成功的 能不能帶動產業只能看造化了.... 向台灣為特效付出的幕後英雄致敬!!!長久以來被漠視還是有人撐著.....辛苦了阿!! Double Negative 光看製作過的名單就不用介紹了 dark knight harry porter hell boy.... FUEL 正要上映的Australia的後至特效公司 妙就妙在前陣子亞當山德勒的鳥片 you dun mess up w ZOHAN也是這家搞的 Animal Logic 沒弄錯的話十面埋伏和英雄似乎是找這家做 這兩片爛歸爛 特效猛的很 I'm still revising my storyboard (finger crossed: for the last time...please). In the current version, I plan to have live-action in it. Fringe is overall a kool precedent of the combination of live-action and visual effect( okay to be honest, great entertainment as well) for me to look at. For the episode 9th, they also provide a making-of on FOX's website. It's kool to be able...

precedent: for dosomething

A good example of Cowper/ Ian/ me to look at. I don't really like the way they sell their t shirt, but the components in there are pretty close to what we are planning to do....anyway...just take a look! D-STURBED