
Showing posts from November, 2008

Joel-Peter Witkin

Joel-Peter Witkin some works from him One of my favorite contemporary photographers...I liked his work a lot when I was a college boy. Also, a good resource site about the photographer.

Good stuff from gaming....a bit over due~

Although I'm not really a gamer, metal solid 4 still shocked me by its amazing real-time render image quality when it first appeared on an HD tv of my friend. (yes, Kenneth, AKA 001, that's you) couple of months ago. Here is a great essay disclosing a lot of info about the workflow of production. More or less it's kinda like a promoting essay of XSI 7, however the description of the design process and workflow definitely worth your time to read. At least I really enjoyed reading it. It gives me a general concept of how these amazing works were being created and done.

I am.....

重力不用加速度 自我壓縮的極限 非自願性體驗中

Another technical test

Technical Prototype: MotionTrack+ParticleExpression from Jason Magic Tseng on Vimeo .  A simple practice, using tracking speed as the element that determent how much particle can emit from the tracking point. Technical Prototype 01.

Technical+Look&Feel Prototype

Implementation prototype:Partical Instance+Softbody, Look& Feel from Jason Magic Tseng on Vimeo . This is another test for my ongoing thesis. I didnt separate the meteor smoke and the ocean in different layers. So the smoke of the meteor looks kinda funky. For now it's alright. As for the technical part, it was a good practice on softbody and particle instancer. It took me quite a while to get the softbody(the surface of the ocean) react to particles when they collide. However I haven't find a decent way to generate the splash...that should be my next step. tool MAYA 2008 + AEcs3


因為trailer留下的視覺印象太強 明明忙到快死了 周二晚上還是硬去看 Old school, new school, street bunch, junkie, military criminal, 愚蠢的,剛烈的,老謀深算的,媚惑勾人的.....有知覺的,沒知覺的加上後知後覺的...通通上了賭桌狠狠玩上一把 偷拐搶騙沒問題,只是代價自付 一切都那麼理所當然 Guy Ritchie 的鏡頭依舊碎念,但也依舊讓人驚豔 各家演員的演技通通到位 Art Direction可圈可點 女主角半點都沒露,但是色氣流轉到幾乎可以殺人 尤其是跳的那支詭異的怪舞讓我簡直想買DVD 從以前到現在都沒辦法抗拒這種壞胚子勾當的電影 是因為潛意識我喜歡這種破格的公平嗎...... anyway it was a good waste! website

Cultural Material: LStudio from imaginary forces

L studio is a new website Imaginary Forces created for Lexus. Normally I'm not a fan of the sponsored web because 1, most of the time they are just a bunch of empty, no soul content wrapped up with good looking visuals. 2, creating that kind of crap was my old job and I know too well how fake and boring this kind of stuff should/can be. However, this one is pretty different. The site basically is consisting of a bunch of great quality narratives. From comedy series, a short urban love story to PSA animation about the environmental issues. It's like a small channel with selected short films without having annoying commercials jumping around trying to brainwash you how awesome Lexus is. I really enjoyed watching the hilarious Web Therapy series as well as the PSA visual effect piece. For me, it's a great precedent that having fun to look at. In terms of thesis, this site shows how narrative can play a powerful role in branding, so, take a look!!

Learning RF4: one small step, more questions!

I've been learning MAYA dynamic for a while and so far I've found it although powerful and handy, having a lot issues when it comes to simulating/manipulating fluid and particle events (i.e...collision detection). So learning RealFlow4 is my new thing in order to make my already falling behind thesis happen. It's great to find out that RF4 can generate splash when objects colliding with the RealWave surface, unlike Maya soft body has really limited practices. However, the performance of doing it is really not rendering friendly. Besides, I haven't tried out if this can work with the dynamic instance. It's such a drawback that MAYA doesn't allow dynamic instance behave like rigid's SUCH an obvious need AUTODESK!!! Anyway....technical questions are popping out like hell... How to make dynamic instances behave like rigid bodies? How to create a splash when the object ( likewise, dynamic instances) hit the ocean surface? How to rig a soft-body creat...

DoSomething!!! Cowper擊發!!!!

好兄弟 Cowp! 開個展了!!!這也是 Dosomething 這概念成形之後團隊成員的第一砲!!! 創作戰鬥力一向都朝賽亞人邁進的他,一路走來始終都維持著不滅的熱情~ 我也常常被Cowper的熱血激勵而能繼續堅持做自己該做和想做的!! 常有人說"請多多支持本土創作者!~~" 我雖然愛台灣,但不認同這樣的口號,因為本土不能成為作品不夠水準的藉口!! 近年來氾濫的創意市集裡面,就是因為混雜太多這樣的作品而造成水準良莠不齊的慘狀!! 好的很好,但是爛的更多!!混在一本本編排不良的大雜燴裡面,黃金也看起來像狗屎! 有這麼多人追求創作很棒,但是不代表作品不能被評價! 很多人都說 藝術是很主觀 沒辦法說好說壞 我認為這是放屁!!! 沒錯 在某個水準之後,的確很難去評斷 但是創作絕對有嚴謹的評判標準!!! 不管怎樣的作品都有人會支持,但是身為創作者 用不用功騙不了別人的,創作的多不代表你就努力! 勞動和努力是兩碼子事,追求品質和自我的提升以及維持創作的習慣,背後需要的除了天份和大量的研究、練習,還有能夠不被現實磨滅的熱情!! 真話很難聽 我也慢慢學會少講以免惹人厭 但是以上的文字句句屬實!! 若有冒犯那是你家的事~ 所以 我熱烈精神支持 cowper 不只是因為他是我兄弟,更不是因為他本土 而是因為他優秀!!! 雖然人在號稱設計X創作聖地的紐約,但我不論何時回頭往台灣看Cowper 感想都很一致: 這樣的創作者,到哪裡都絕對能有一席之地!!! 我不會胡亂吹捧說他是頂尖 但是他的創作 絕對值得大家的關注和期待!!! 2008年11/15日 14:00~18:00 開幕會,現場展出歷年來繪畫創作、動畫創作、玩具創作、聯名商品,局部內容18禁,請自行判斷年齡參加,如有不良影響概不負責... 歡迎南部的朋友撥空前往 火腿展場 交流 地址:台南市民族路2段22號2樓...

Eyeball info: the studios that rock!

Blur, incredible works consistently, great balance between design and animation. Motion theory, excellent taste of art direction, beautiful detail illustrating execution always! a52, amazing creative direction, every piece rocks

No treat, Lots of tricks!!

每到像萬聖節這種時候,全城的人都陷入莫名奇妙的High點之中,萬頭鑽動,爭奇鬥艷。路人搞怪扮裝的認真程度絕不亞於專業的表演。一個轉身,穿上別的身 分,好像就變成了someone else。今年我也湊上熱鬧,獻出處女變裝。下課後和Valeria自製了搞笑的道具穿在身上加入瘋狂遊行的行列。可能因為跟不吝於花錢改頭 換面的紐約客比起來,我們窮酸的行頭反而突出,一路上不斷有路人拉著照像,問我們的行頭是怎麼回事。滿坑滿谷的人彼此之間因為有了不一樣的outfit, 距離拉近了許多,誰都可以大聲跟你說聲Happy Haloween然後一起合照。擠個半死但是好玩的要命... 結束了之後和Valeria, Kenneth, Kateriana去Ktown,有喝酒不囉嗦的豪氣美少女們作陪,加上莫名的節慶氣氛,一下就喝開了..... 聽到很多關於俄羅斯的笑話。為了醒酒,Kate偷偷帶我們爬上他公司頂樓。看著曼哈頓的夜景和滿天的星星,不禁覺得自己還真是Lucky阿....有來參 加遊行真是太好了.... 我的萬聖節Debut 小妹Valeria 和他自己用紙箱+廣告顏料做的吉他 親切的草莓姐姐大叔 與大野狼合力欺負小紅帽 蒼蠅頭大哥,會發光的眼睛與西裝一樣專業 驚聲尖叫的兇手居然是個中東美女. 禿頭大哥有點搶鏡 薑餅人say hi 被貓女衝過人群用相機攻擊 是男人就該登陸月球 Kenneth X Valeria 想殺媽媽的family guy 連沒人看到的時候都在裝的敬業大叔 紅配綠美少女 喝開了!! an awesome night